Item No. Detailed Construction Description Quantity Unit
"PVC Ducts:
All Equipment are to be new and in accordance with the specification and details on the schematic and layouts. Contractor to Refer to Layouts for Quantities. "
PVC Underground Ducts for Site/External & Main Incommers to Technical Building & Main Building
13.1 Schedule 40 38mm Diameter PVC Duct 400 m
13.3 Schedule 40 102mm Diameter PVC Duct 3650 m
13.4 Schedule 40 152mm Diameter PVC Duct 2020 m
13.5 Schedule 40 203mm Diameter PVC Duct 15 m
13.6 "Accessories (not limited to):
Long Radius Bends, Collars, PVC Solvent, Clamps, Brackets, Drag Lines & Weatherproof Expanding Foam. " LS
PVC Ducts In Floor Slab and Void In Technical Building & Main Building
13.7 Schedule 40 27mm Diameter PVC Duct 400 m
13.8 Schedule 40 38mm Diameter PVC Duct 50 m
13.9 Schedule 40 102mm Diameter PVC Duct 375 m
13.10 Schedule 40 152mm Diameter PVC Duct 155 m