1. Two chairs and office table
2. Drying oven (240L)
3. Pulverizer 1kg
4. Geo crusher (3kg)
5. Air compressor (less than 60L)
6. Weiging balance (max 1000g)
7. Beaker, 400ml and 100ml capacity 100 by 50 pieces respectively
8. Fume extractor (for pulling out fume during acid digestion)
9. Test tubes 1000 pieces
10. Hotplate 32 inch X 13 inch ( two pieces)
11. Culture tubes 100mil (200 pieces)
12. Micropippete 10mls and 1mil capacity three pieces each
13. Measuring cylinder 10, 50 and 100 mils capacity (10 each)
14. Flame AAS machine 1piece(If possible but not compulsory WFX 180B)
15. HCl lamps 2 pieces each Au, Cu and AG
16. Fume extractor for AAs
17. Calbration standards for Au, AG and Cu 1000ppm 0.5L one pack each
18. Desktop computer for reporting and keepeng client records
19. Epson 3110 printer one item