Hello, my name is Victoria. I am an assistant manager. We are looking for a twin screw pumping unit Wangen pumpen b/n Twin 130.44-1 Q 10m3/h 163m viscous products with inclusions of 0...+95°C Moll motor 15kW -2 PCS., capacity 10 m3/h head 163 m. Mayonnaise mass product temperature 20 C.
Hello, my name is Victoria. I am an assistant manager. We are looking for a twin screw pumping unit Wangen pumpen b/n Twin 130.44-1 Q 10m3/h 163m viscous products with inclusions of 0...+95°C Moll motor 15kW -2 pcs.,
capacity 10 m3/h head 163 m. Mayonnaise mass product temperature 20 C