Medium: 35% HCl
Description: Ball Valve Double Union Ball Valve, Leakage Class VI
Matreial Body: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Body O-Ring: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Stem O-Ring: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Stem: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Ball: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Seat: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Carrier O-Ring: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Seal Carrier: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Union O-Ring: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material End Connector: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Union Nut: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Handle: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Insert Nut: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Operating Pressure: 2 to 10 Barg
Design Pressure: To be specified by vendor
Operating Temperature: 35 ~ 75 deg C
Design Temperature: To be specified by vendor
DN25, RF 150# 5PCS
DN50, RF 150# 2PCS
DN80, RF 150# 1PCS
Medium: 10% Salt Water
Description: Ball Valve Double Union Ball Valve, Leakage Class VI
Matreial Body: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Body O-Ring: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Stem O-Ring: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Stem: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Ball: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Seat: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Carrier O-Ring: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Seal Carrier: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Union O-Ring: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material End Connector: PVDF/Comply with 35% HCl
Material Union Nut: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Handle: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Material Insert Nut: PVDF/Comply with 10% Salt Water
Operating Pressure: 2 to 10 Barg
Design Pressure: To be specified by vendor
Operating Temperature: 35 ~ 75 deg C
Design Temperature: To be specified by vendor
DN25, RF 150# 3PCS
DN50, RF 150# 2PCS