Hello! We Request P6 LED display screen and accessories
Will be mounted in Ice Palace
Resolution: 1248X768 pixels (P6)
Display Area: 7488mm X 4608mm
Overall Dimensions: 7488mm X 4608mm X 120mm
LED Type: SMD 3535 NationStar
Receiver Cards: Onbon BX-V75 (or equivalent)
Application: Designed for video output at a viewing distance of 50 meters
The screen will be mounted on a welded frame resting on the flooring structure (frame supplied with the screen). Supporting structures to be fabricated on-site.
1. Control System:
Controller: OnBon M1X (or equivalent)
Operating Mode: Synchronous
Data Transmission Interface: 2 X 1000Base-T (Gigabit Ethernet)
Input Interfaces:
USB (for screen management)
2X HDMI (main video inputs: Operator workstation + backup)
2X DVI, VGA, CV (additional signal sources; Not used in current project)
The controller operates in synchronous mode, transmitting the video stream from one of the input ports to the receiver cards of the display screen.
The controller will be mounted behind the screen near the input ports of the receiver cards.