The exact product name (Victoria's Secret Bombshell Fragrance" or "Victoria's Secret Spray and Body Lotion).
the product type (Fragrance, body lotion, etc. ).
For fragrances or body products {100ml, 250ml).
(fragrance with different scents),
If applicable regular packaging, etc. ).
Could you confirm whether the product is in stock or if there's a waiting period? Some products might not be available in certain regions.
Consider Currency and Payment Methods
accept payment methods (US DOLLAR, credit cards, wire transfers, etc. ).
Shipping and Delivery Details
48 ADAMS AVE, Everett, MA, 02149-5207
(standard, express, etc. ).
"I would like to order the Victoria's Secret Bombshell Parfum (100ml), and Victoria's Secret Body Lotion and Spray (250ml). Please confirm if these are available for shipping to my address 48 ADAMS AVE, EVERETT, MA 02149-5207, and let me know the total cost including taxes and shipping fees. "