Our organization wants to purchase a retinal camera for fluorescence angiography (fundus-an ophthalmic camera)
(oophthalmic retinal camera) TRC with accessories, version: TRC50DX.
Manufacturer Topcon Corporation, Japan.
An analog is considered, but it must match the following parameters:
Power supply from the network.
The device must have a registration certificate for importation into the Russian Federation.
Our organization wants to purchase a retinal camera forия fluorescence angiography (fundus-an ophthalmic camera)
(oophthalmic retinal camera) TRC with accessories, version: TRC-50DX.
Manufacturer ": Topcon Corporation, Japan.
An analog is considered, but it must match the following parameters:
Power supply - from the network.
Execution -ифровая digital retinal camera.
Type - midriatic.
Video camera-net.
Maximum viewing angle, degree - ≥ 50 and ≤ 100.
The device must have a registration certificate for importation into the Russian Federation.