Hello. We are Angel Cr Inc. As USA Domestic Trading Company, we have started a new project. Www. Seemoorg. COM This is our retail site from China to the world. In the new project we plan to sell only on Trial and MOQ (wholesale only). For an example, you can look at the artificial grass category
We currently need the support of factories, how can you support: We need unbranded and high quality images of your products to be uploaded to our site. We can get the product information either on your website or from the catalog you will send. I know it will be a little trouble for you, but keep in mind that if we agree on the price and you can support us as a factory, as I said, if you can provide images and information without a logo, there will be no other factory in your product category on our site. We do not receive monthly payments from any factory, so we just need to work within mutual understanding. We as a company will allocate funds for advertising of all downloadable products. Our team is highly skilled. Our business is wholesale and delivery of products to all countries of the world (especially USA, Canada and Europe), we also take care of the cargo so that customers can place orders more conveniently. What we want from you as a factory is high quality images of products and product information to be uploaded to the site.
First we add your products to our site. Then we start advertising. We reach wholesale buyers around the world and they fulfill their orders. They can give orders in two ways. Trial orders and Factory set MOQ order quantity.
Product order quantities depend on the factory. If you send us the price lists, we will upload them to the site. You say, for example, that at least 1000 units of this product should be sold, and we will set that limit for the product on the site. The customer will not be able to buy a small number, and please note that when you agree and cooperate with us, you will be the only one in your category on our site, that is, there will not be two factories selling the same product. Two separate factories will not sell the same product. Only one factory can sell one kind of product.
We have already negotiated with some factories and uploaded products to the site. Also, do you have product certification to sell in USA or other countries? If your products have certificates or we can solve it within 35-40 days of production time when our customers order, we can upload all your products to our site and advertise and sell them all over the world. Thank you very much, we look forward to hearing from you soon.