Good afternoon, I am interested in a condensation type drying chamber. Loading volume, m3 20-25
Drying temperature, °C Up To 50
Condensation chamber type
Overall dimensions of the stack, mm
8000 X 2300 X 2300
Temperature of phytosanitary treatment, ° Up to 60
Loading the Stack Trolley
Swing gates
Power of in-chamber fans, kW 5 X 0.75 = 3.75
Heating element power, kW 12
AKS fan power, kW 1.5
Compressor power, kW 7, 2
Energy consumption of the refrigeration unit, kW/hour per 1 liter of evaporated water 0.25 _ 0.5
Mobile Dryer Insulated floor
Length, mm 9100
Width, mm 3300