Oil for heavy-duty, high-performance diesel engines provide excellent protection against bore Polish and wear of moving parts. Their ability to keep the engine clean ensures reliable lubrication even with long oil change intervals.
Specifications: API CI-4, CH-4, CG-
4, CF-4; ACEA A3/B4, E7; MB 228.3;
MAN M3275; Volvo VDS-3, VDS-2;
CAT ECF-2, -1A; Global DHD-1;
Renault RVI RLD; JASO DH-1; MTU 2;
Cummins CES 20071, -2, -6, -7, -8
Prod. Reg: # CLP (EG) No 1272/2008 # CLP (EG) No 1272/2008--UFI code and Poison center notification # REACH (EC) No 1907/2006 Chem--Safety data sheet # TDS - Technical Data Sheet