Vambo liquor, also known as Ombike, is a traditional alcoholic beverage brewed by the Ovambo people of Namibia. Here's a bit more about it: < Br /> Preparation: < Br /> Ingredients: The primary ingredients are fermented fruit mash, often from the Makalani Palm, Jackal Berries, Buffalo Thorns, Bird Plumes, and Cluster Figs. < Br /> Fermentation: The fruit is collected and left to ferment naturally. This process can take several days to a week2. < Br /> Distillation: The fermented mash is then distilled to produce a strong spirit. < Br /> Additives: Sometimes, sugar or other additives are included to enhance the flavor. < Br /> Types of Products: < Br /> Traditional Ombike: The basic distilled spirit, strong and potent. < Br /> Flavored Variants: Some versions may include additional flavors or ingredients to create unique variations. < Br /> Taste: < Br /> Vambo liquor has a distinctive taste, often described as strong and potent. It has a unique flavor profile due to the variety of fruits used in its production. The taste can be quite intense, and it's often enjoyed in small quantities.