Babytalking Powergrid Video Cubes
We want Babytalking video intercoms along the powergrid that you can talk to the Babies, from working video screens that can have four video screens usually, though video can teach the babies from afar. Please see if video to video can be plugged in at parent's workplace and work along the powerlines so dad can talk to the family at work, as it would be an indispensable item if dad could parent from work along those lines. As it should be four futuristic video cubes that can watch the different rooms and talk third-person dad, like dad says to their videos, straight to watch the bedrooms. Along with the bedrooms it has motion detector videos to dad and mom, around the four corners, dad can film from each of the four corners of the rooms and sell them in cubes of four.
And the best thing is, you can buy them from Amazon.
Chael Yukes