Dear Sirs,
We are interested in buying air-dried treats, freeze-dried treats, and crunchy and crispy treats packed in 30 and 50-gram plastic bags with zippers, 12 bags per display carton. Please quote the price per kg, including all costs such as irradiation, dispensing, packing, etc., and separately the bags and display carton box. Our company, ICA S. A., is the biggest pet product wholesaler in Spain and Portugal, supplying regularly to more than 4.000 pet shops. 100.000 bags is the quantity I estimate to fill a full forty-foot container. We would order every one or two months.
If you want to know more about us, please visit our website, icasa. COM. I suggest you download the catalogs in Spanish, Portuguese, and English from the top menu.
Yours sincerely
Gaspar Cabrera Roca