I need a quote from the iPhone X to the iPhone 16 PRO Max, all with their respective value and also with shipping to my doorstep. It does not matter if the phone is open box as long as it is inside the box and the invoice says new so as not to have problems with customs in my country. I emphasize again that it is in the original box and that the invoice says new (this must be included obligatorily). It is worth highlighting another condition that each phone that is purchased comes with its respective phone protector, charger, and cable for its respective devices.
I need a quote from the iPhone X to the iPhone 16 pro max, all with their respective value and also with shipping to my doorstep, it does not matter if the phone is open box as long as it is inside the box and the invoice says new so as not to have problems with customs in my country, I emphasize again that it is in the original box and that the invoice says new,(this must be included obligatorily) it is worth highlighting another condition that each phone that is purchased comes with its respective phone protector, charger and cable for its respective devices
Necesito cotización desde el IPhone X hasta el IPhone 16 pro max, todos con su respectivo valor y también con con envio a la puerta de mi casa, no importa si el telefono es open box mientras este dentro de la caja y la factura me la ponga que diga nuevo para no tener problemas con aduanas de mi pais, vuelvo a recalcar que este en caja original y que la factura diga nuevo, (esto debe ir incluido obligatoriamente) cabe recalcar otra condición que cada teléfono que se compra venga con su respectivo protector del teléfono, cargador y cable de sus respectivos dispositivos