Dear Sirs!
I would like to receive an invoice for immediately importing four Autel Evo II Dual PRO 640t Enterprise Dual Camera Drone directly from China.
Information for the invoice emission:
Universidade Eatadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro - UENF
CNPJ 04.809.688/0001-06
AV. Alberto Lamego, 2000
Setor de Importação - SETIMP
Campos DOS Goytacazes - RJ- Brasil - CEP 28013-602
Exporter complete name and address
Importer complete name and address
Date of emission
Transport modal
Airport or port of departure
Airport or port of arrival
Unit price, quantity, currency, and total price
Net and bulk weights of each item
Total net and bulk weights
Exact number of volumes
Total cubage
Country of origin, acquisition and provenance (complete name and address of manufacturer and seller in case the item is manufactured by a company that does not operate direct sales, so that it is sold by a company that represents the manufacturer.
I am looking forward to receiving the invoice.