Aluminum Cans

aluminum cans

  • Date Posted: 2024-06-21 12:21 From Russian Site
  • Valid to:2024-09-17
  • Purchase Quantity:

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  • Sourcing Request From:Request From: Russia
Quote Left: 3
Product Description Buyer Business Info.
Good afternoon! I ask you to make an offer for an aluminum can of 0.33L sleek and 0.45 l. The can needs the most versatile. It will be used for packaging beer, cider, carbonated and non-carbonated sugary drinks. The pH of the drinks is from 2.9 to 4.5. The planned purchase volume is 2-3 million pieces per month without a print and 2-3 million pieces with a print. We have two own plants in Russia for bottling drinks in an aluminum can. We also want to sell an empty cans to other customers. Please give prices separately for cans and lids. The brand of the lid is CDL 202. I also wanted to find out the possibility of packing on pallets with a size of 1180X1250. Also specify how many cans and lids are on the pallet and the loading rate of a 40-foot container.
Good afternoon! I ask you to make an offer for an aluminum can of 0.33l sleek and 0.45 l. The can needs the most versatile. It will be used for packaging beer, cider, carbonated and non-carbonated sugary drinks. The pH of the drinks is from 2.9 to 4.5. The planned purchase volume is 2-3 million pieces per month without a print and 2-3 million pieces with a print. We have two own plants in Russia for bottling drinks in an aluminum can. We also want to sell an empty cans to other customers.
Please give prices separately for cans and lids. The brand of the lid is CDL 202. I also wanted to find out the possibility of packing on pallets with a size of 1180x1250. Also specify how many cans and lids are on the pallet and the loading rate of a 40-foot container.

Quotation Record 7 supplier(s) have provided quotations. Only 3 quoting chance(s) left!

Company Name Business Type Location Quote Time
HU****** Manufacturer/Factory,Trading Company Changsha, Hunan 2024-06-22 23:18
We****** Manufacturer/Factory Wenzhou, Zhejiang 2024-06-22 11:49
Ch****** Manufacturer/Factory,Trading Company,Group Corporation Chongqing, Chongqing 2024-06-21 23:23
Ni****** Manufacturer/Factory Ningbo, Zhejiang 2024-06-21 20:02
Xi****** Manufacturer/Factory Xiamen, Fujian 2024-06-21 19:32
Gu****** Manufacturer/Factory Guangzhou, Guangdong 2024-06-21 17:14
Gu****** Trading Company Guangzhou, Guangdong 2024-06-21 13:42