Igra Tb

  • Date Posted: 2024-12-02 10:05 From English Site
  • Valid to:2025-02-18
  • Purchase Quantity: 100 Piece(s)
  • Trade Terms:FOB
  • Target Unit Price:80.00 USD
  • Max budget:<1000 USD
  • Payment Terms:T/T
  • Sourcing Request From:Request From: India
  • Shipping Method:Air freight
  • Destination: India
  • Lead time:Ship in 15 day(s) after supplier receives the initial payment.
Quote Left: 10
Product Description Buyer Business Info.
Dear Sir/Madam

We are an IVD manufacturing company in India for the past 18 Years and currently making clinical chemistry rapid test POCT testing kits for Microbiological media plates. Our company is ISO 13485-approved and produces CDSCO-approved kits. Supply to the whole country and also export to a few neighboring countries.

We are keen to expand and manufacture ELISA kits in our unit.
We would like to buy ELISA kits reagents either OEM finished kits or reagents in bulk quantity to make kits at our unit.

If you are interested in associating and exploring the opportunity for the Indian market we would appreciate your cooperation. Kindly provide detailed prices for both bulk OEM and bulk reagents.

We are especially interested in Allergen detection and infectious kits.

Thank you and best regards

Manohar Patidar
Allied Biotechnology India Pvt Ltd