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Chemical Protection Fabric

Chemical Protection Fabric

  • Date Posted: 2020-12-13 20:53 From English Site
  • Valid to:2021-01-25
  • Purchase Quantity: 10000 Piece(s)
  • Trade Terms:FOB
  • Sourcing Request From:Request From: Russia
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Quote Left: 8
Product Description Buyer Business Info.
Hello! I need cloth to make a chemical protection suit. PVC or rubberized fabric. To make the right choice, I need to know the properties of the fabric.
1. From what acids does it protect?
2. What is the concentration of these acids?
3. How long do these acids last?
4. What alkalis does it protect against?
5. What is the concentration of these alkalis?
6. How long do these alkalis last?
7. Tensile strength?
8. Puncture strength?
9. What temperature can it withstand? How many seconds?

Send the options that you can suggest.
Certificates. Test reports.
Thanks! Have a nice day!

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Quotation Record 2 supplier(s) have provided quotations. Only 8 quoting chance(s) left!

Company Name Business Type Location Quote Time
Hu****** Manufacturer/Factory,Trading Company,Group Corporation Suizhou, Hubei 2021-01-04 15:19
Wu****** Manufacturer/Factory Suzhou, Jiangsu 2020-12-14 08:42