Boiler installation for operation on solid fuel-coal with a capacity of 3.2 tons per hour, to produce steam at a temperature of 194 °C with an outlet working pressure of 1.3 MPa and hot water with a capacity of 6 cubic meters per hour. The boiler is of a modular type, consisting of 4 transportable blocks, docked together. Inside are steam boilers with mechanical grates, operating on solid fuel, blower fans, a pump group, automation tools, an automated heat point for hot water supply, a gas cleaning and air heating unit, shut-off and safety valves, boiler piping, chemical water treatment, and a backup feed water tank. Outside the boiler, install smoke exhausters, a gas duct system, a chimney on stretch marks, a scraper fuel supply with a crushing unit and a receiving hopper, and a scraper slag removal with an ash and slag storage bunker.
Zhejiang_Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Henan_Zhengzhou, Henan
Jiangsu_Suzhou, Jiangsu
Guangdong_Shenzhen, Guangdong
Liaoning_Anshan, Liaoning