- Refregirated bulk tank,
- filtration and clarification system,
- cream separator,
- high pressure homogenizer,
- UHT, Ultra Heat Treatment system, cooling system,
- aseptic storage tanks,
- aseptic filling machines, 0, 5 liter tetra pak or similar material
- CIP, clean in place system,
- steam generator/ boilers,
- IT supported quality control and testing,
- automated conveyer and palletizing system,
- waste management and water treatment system.
Fully automated, Input is raw cow milk. Capacity of the machine is required to be 50, 000 liters per day or 4000 liters per hour. Electricity, Voltage in the area is 220 and above, 3 phase, 50Hz.
Design of construction for the UHT processing line, cost of transportation to Uganda, installation and training of staff members required.